Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Doll Bed for Lovebug...

This past Christmas {I know... I'm so behind} we were so excited to give our sweet girl some handmade gifts. I shared the first, her quilt- HERE.

The second gift was bought long before Christmas. I picked it up at Children's Orchard- my friend owns the store and called to tell me about the great find. I immediately picked it up, brought it home and put it in the basement for a little TLC later.

When Brian decided that he'd re-do it for Lovebug and give it to her for Christmas, I was thrilled! He's such a wonderful Daddy... completely in love with his little girl and would do anything for her.

The bed was in good condition. It just needed a little wood glue, some paint and personalization. He sanded, painted, distressed it, and added the monogram, using a stencil. He left the bottom bed plain, so we could add Baby Sissy's initial later.

While he worked on all that, I sewed up two pillow covers for the foam mattresses he bought. I used leftover material from her nursery bedding, and it's pictured here with a pillow I made for her rocking chair and her baby quilt that I made before she was born.

I was so pleased with how it turned out! Bri did a great job and our girl LOVES it! As soon as he brought it out, she quickly found her babies and put them in bed- blankets and all. Each night before bed, she tucks them in... precious.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Another few weeks have flown by! This Mama is busy nesting and preparing for Easter! I'm very much over the white winter wonderland that is once AGAIN descending on our yard and ready for SPRING! Amen? Here's a little recap of our days...

Happy girls coloring at a playdate!
Enjoying a glimpse of Spring!
Blowing bubbles and collecting rocks in the sunshine!
Post Glucose-test date on the Plaza with my Love! It was
a gorgeous day too!
Her favorite thing to do... read. Especially with Dada,
especially her Princess Sophia book. LOVE it.
A much needed pause on a busy day. This Mama is
learning to REST!
Have a great weekend y'all!
life rearranged


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Happy Friday y'all! Here's a peek into the last two weeks with the Edwards..

Mama's all bundled up... I have decided that I do not love cold weather
as much as I thought I did when we lived in Cali. But with Starbucks in hand
we headed to our playdate!

Happy girl in the ball pit.
So unsanitary... but neccesary sometimes. Amen?

So much snow! 1st time sledding with her Papa!
More pictures of that HERE.
We spent the day decorating the church for a Women's Conference...
it apparently wiped her out. Also- baby "Max" now goes everywhere
we go.
Saturday snuggles with her Daddy.
So blessed to relax a bit with these two.
Laughing at Daddy during dinner...
just what Mama needed after a rough few days. 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our Snow Days {2013}

Being a stay-at-home Mama, the predicted snowfall here in Missouri had me a little nervous. I was worried I'd feel trapped at home, unable to go to our usual play-dates and errand-running, leaving me stir crazy. However, God's been working on this Mama's heart and teaching me, gently, how to REST.

I found it so very comforting to wake up to a snow covered world, and spent our days in our PJ's, cuddled up under quilts, watching Disney movies. Time seemed to slow down and it was just what I needed. I had time to nest a bit and get excited for Baby Sissy. I also baked a few too many goodies too.

Lucky for my girl, her Papa (my daddy) had a few Snow Days too... which meant she got to play in the snow! She was so excited. It took a while to get her all bundled up in her snow-bibs and such, but she sure did look cute!

When we got outside, she kept pointing to all the "no." She loved to look at it, but snow-balls and snow-men will have to wait another year... she refused to touch it.

She sure loves her Papa... it was precious watching him pull her in the sled down the driveway. 

She lasted about 25 minutes before she was cold, and only wanted Papa to hold her... but these smiles and pictures were worth the chilly weather!

I love this girl and am so blessed to live these days with her.