Friday, March 22, 2013


Another few weeks have flown by! This Mama is busy nesting and preparing for Easter! I'm very much over the white winter wonderland that is once AGAIN descending on our yard and ready for SPRING! Amen? Here's a little recap of our days...

Happy girls coloring at a playdate!
Enjoying a glimpse of Spring!
Blowing bubbles and collecting rocks in the sunshine!
Post Glucose-test date on the Plaza with my Love! It was
a gorgeous day too!
Her favorite thing to do... read. Especially with Dada,
especially her Princess Sophia book. LOVE it.
A much needed pause on a busy day. This Mama is
learning to REST!
Have a great weekend y'all!
life rearranged



  1. :) I am over the cold weather as well! Will spring ever arrive? Adorable pictures!!

  2. Awe blowing bubbles and collecting rocks in the sun sounds like a perfect day! And yay for Starbucks for mamas!
