Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's the Little Things: Enjoying Fall with My Girls

 Sometimes things just come to a screeching halt. I had just come out of the fog of Motherhood, and I was SO enjoying doing-all-the-things, and feeling a bit like myself again, creating, and excited to enjoy my favorite season and all that comes with it. Then... THE SICKNESS. It was almost a week ago that Bri and I got so. very. sick. to our stomachs. I was having some sort of post traumatic flashbacks to my days of Hypermesis with Liv... all day puking and never-ending nausea. It's only today that I'm feeling a bit more like myself... back among the living. I was starting to feel really disappointed that the Fall days were passing by without me. It was so discouraging.

I'm REALLY enjoying this link-up that Ashley and Jess began--it has truly given me a day of the week to stop, and reflect on all the little moments in my week that I am so GRATEFUL for. Even in the chaos of motherhood, these days are a gift. I'm thankful for this little space that I can record our memoes. I think it's easy to feel bogged down by the day-to-day stuff--toddler melt-downs in Target, breaking up endless arguments over Princess toys, and feeling like there's just so much to get done (and never enough time to do it all.) Even in the chaos of motherhood, these days are a gift. I'm thankful for this little space that I can record our memories, and remind myself of that.

This week, I'm enjoying long walks in the evening with my girls--the cool Fall weather and all the gorgeous colors make this Mama so very happy.  We stopped at a Little Free Library in our neighborhood, and picked out some Halloween books to read. My girls have been so excited for Halloween-well Hannah at least! Liv just tells me "Mou!" when I ask her what she'll be. We have quite a little collection of Halloween books and they bring them to me all day long to read. On our way home, we stopped to jump in a giant pile of gorgeous leaves that were just calling our name! Liv was so sad to leave. They each picked out a pretty leave--orange and yellow to take home--such sweet moments.

We're enjoying BASEBALL! I'm not sure if y'all have heard, but it is BLUE OCTOBER here in Kansas City. The Royals are in the World Series, and there has been a LOT of baseball on our TV! We've been keeping the girls busy coloring, playing with stickers, princess little people, and reading lots of books while the games are on. Miss Hannah yells, "Go Royals!" when all the grown-ups get excited and yell--so cute. We're so excited for the final game tonight! Go Royals! Take the Crown!

We're also enjoying new and old Fall traditions. I got to spend last Thursday with Miss Hannah at her Preschool's Pumpkin Day! I definitely got stuck in the "Pumpkin guts" center, which was a little interesting given how I felt, but it was so sweet to see her interacting with her little friends! We iced pumpkin cookies, did pumpkin volcanos, pumpkin play dough and a bunch of other adorable ideas.

Last night, we broke out the girls' new Mickey Mouse carving set, and carved up our big pumpkin into a Mickey-faced Jack-o-Lantern. Hannah was so excited and a little too interested, ha. She wanted to scrape, stab, and carve the thing herself! We kept the girls busy painting, while Brian and I cleaned it out, and began outlining the design. Liv was so stinkin' cute painting her tiny white pumpkin. She was very meticulous about what color she wanted and where the paint went.

We're getting very excited for all that this week holds for us! We're enjoying big bowls of Fall comfort food--soup, and I'm getting ready to bake pumpkin bread too! I'm busy planning the girls' Halloween party that will keep us busy on Friday morning. I also can NOT wait to see the girls in their costumes! Follow along over on Instagram if you want to see all the cuteness sooner. Have a great Halloween week y'all!

Leotard: H&M // Leggings: Target // Moccs: Freshly Picked // Bows: Sadie Sky Boutique

Sadie Sky Boutique


  1. What lovely simple pics with your beautiful girls!! Hope you're on the mend!!
    XO sarita it's my girls' world

  2. Awww, they really love their little pumpkins don't they? These pictures are so cute!
