Friday, September 19, 2014

Sunshine, sunscreen and babies on the boat.

Last month, we took our annual trip down to Lake Pomme de Terre with my family. You can read about last years trip HERE.  Since Hannah was a little (a LOT) apprehensive about the lake last year, and Liv was too little and stayed at the house with my Mama, I was so excited to see how my girls would do out on the boat.  I LOVED the water as a kiddo, and I want my girls to enjoy it too.

We eased them into the weekend by having them wear lifejackets around the house, which went over well.  Then, it came time to get out on the boat.  After Hannah's first response of telling my uncle to drive "SLOW!", they were just fine!  Liv needed to stay close to Mama, but that's always the case.  She mostly got mad when we wouldn't let her walk around on the boat while we were moving.  She watched us all ski and take turns on the tube--content as long as someone held her, or gave her a snack to munch on.

Then I was beaming with Mama pride as I watched Hannah ride on the "Taco" (tube) with her Daddy!  I was so incredibly proud of my brave girl.  We worked all summer on being brave and trying new things, and to see her step out of her comfort zone was amazing.  When we got in the water to cool off (a crazy hot Missouri weekend, that water never felt so good!), she even worked on her swimming with Daddy and Papa!  She'll be a little fish before we know it.  My big girl is growing up so fast, and I think I love her even more each day.

Hannah also provided lots of comic relief throughout the weekend, when she referred to my sister's boyfriend as "MY Ryan" and said things like "All aboard, everybody on the ship!" and "Captain Uncle Kirk will vroom us in the boat!".  I think she may be watching too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates, ha.

The lake seriously makes me feel 20 years younger.  (The fact that I can remember how I felt 20 years ago is a little scary.)  I watch Bri try crazy tricks, crash hard and do it again--the lake keeps you young.  There's nothing like being out on the water--it's so calming for me, and I feel so much joy.  My sister and I never laugh as hard as we do when we're on the tube together.  I pray my girls still love to play together 20 years from now.

Until then, we'll continue to make great memories.  Eight adults and two small kiddos are a LOT for one house (and two bathrooms!).  Hannah keeps my sister up late, chatting away, and Brian and I get a little bedmate that thrashes around in her sleep.  But the fun is so worth it.  The girls loved exploring a new place, watching movies together, and having dance parties.  We are so grateful for weekends full of sunshine, babes covered in sunscreen, slow evenings, and family.  Such a great way to end the summer.