Friday, May 9, 2014

Olivia Grace {weeks 45-48}

At 45 weeks (April 13th) our little Sissy took a few tiny steps, and the next day she took a few more! We were sitting in the nursery and her Daddy was dressing her. With her pants flung over her shoulder, she walked 5 steps with a huge grin on her face! Now she's walking all over! She still prefers to drop down and crawl if she's after something and in a real hurry. I can't believe that she walked the exact same time her sister did! These girlies keep Mama on her toes! 

46 weeks with Liv and she seems so big all the sudden! She says "Uh oh" now when she falls or reaches for something and misses. She also points to Mama and pats me while making a fake cry sound when she wants to nurse... it's pretty funny and I always oblige. She points to everything these days and says "beh?" which I'm assuming means "what's that" because after you tell her, she seems content. She also points to where she wants to go when you're carrying her. She babbles a lot more recently and tries to say "Blanky" since it's her BFF. 

This week, poor little peanut had a  BAD bout of teething. She just cried and nursed and cuddled for 2 days/nights straight. She didn't eat, and she slept with Mama and Daddy. She was still cute as a button though. I'm definitely more aware of how quickly this baby-stage goes now that I've been through it before. I don't want to miss those sweet opportunities to rock her, or cuddle her, or be the comfort she needs. Soon Liv will be running around like her sister and won't need Mama as much. 

Olivia is equal parts feisty and sweet as can be. She LOVES peekaboo, hates teething, and likes to walk and be on-the-go at all times. She likes to eat yogurt, pancakes, scrambled eggs, veggie sticks, and Mama's scones. She doesn't like to eat cut up fruit, or vegetables, or her pouches these days. She has had a little whole milk, and liked it, but still nurses up to 7 times a day. She's making some progress in the car and will now do okay if she's well rested and has a snack and something to distract her, like a movie on the iPad. 

The party planning is in full-swing and I can't wait to celebrate our littlest love! 

Hannah's post HERE