Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Quilt for Baby Sissy...

Three weeks left before Baby Sissy arrives, and this Mama is nesting away! All the sweet newborn clothes are washed and put away, the house is clean, and the swing, rock 'n sleep, and infant carseat are ready! The girls' room has two beds, with two handmade quilts. There are two rows of sweet girly dresses hanging in their closet, and boxes of diapers in two sizes.

I finished Baby Sissy's quilt weeks ago, and had it quilted by my sweet friend Lisa (she always does a gorgeous job!) It's taken me forever to snap a few pictures and get them up on the blog! I used THIS pattern, which was super easy and I'm so happy with how it turned out!

I searched high and low for pieces of Moda's Wee Woodland line on Etsy, since it's been long discontinued since I made all of Lovebug's bedding! HERE's the original post on her nursery. I'm so glad I found what I needed, since I've just been adding to all the original bedding and decor to update the nursery for both girls.

It's backed and quilted in turquoise, which I'm in love with right now and Lisa used the same bubble quilting that she used on Lovebug's quilt. I can't wait to lay our new baby girl on her quilt! I'll post pictures soon of the updated Nursery soon, along with some maternity pictures and a pregnancy update!

Monday, May 27, 2013

My {Tiny} Big Girl...

Sweet, sweet Lovebug. The sunshine in my days. I truly feel so very blessed to mother this child.
She loves to cuddle up and watch movies with Mama at night, and run around in the backyard with Daddy after dinner. She tells me what's she'd like for lunch each day... usually "Jay" (PB&J) with fruit and yogurt. She tells Daddy to play his "Tar" (guitar), "sing! Cheesus!" each time we meet with our Church Growth Group and Worship. These precious moments are so fleeting and I want to quickly write them all down before I forget.

Our days are not all rose-colored and full of sugary moments. Sometimes she gets upset when we say "no" and lays on the ground face first. Some days she's very sad and cries and needs extra cuddles when Mama's got a million things to do, but that is just life. I still feel blessed to do this job... it's such an important one.

These last few weeks she has grown up so much... she's doing so many big girl things. I want to hold her and squeeze her and rock her forever. Yet, when I stop and watch what my baby girl is doing, she's typically rocking HER baby and patting his bottom and feeding him a bottle. She's counting to 20, and putting all her ABC puzzle pieces where they go. She's trying to put her own shoes on, and leaving her binky in the crib all day. They say that they grow up fast... so very true. So I'll keep taking pictures of sweet moments, and trying in vain to write it all down.

We'll have TWO sweet girls soon (4 weeks!) and this Mama's heart is full. I may be tired and uncomfortable, but I've been given a gift that I certainly don't want to take for granted.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I'm so glad it's Friday again. Although I haven't been writing much in this space lately, it's certainly not for lack of things to write about! I so want this blog to be "real"... what's happening in our life, written honestly. Sometimes "real life" is so much that I can't even put my thoughts into words or take the time to write them all out. So forgive me.  Once again, I'm so thankful for Instagram and the ways it keeps my little moments and memories for me... telling our story one picture at a time, until I can catch up. We're FOUR weeks (give or take)  away from Baby Sissy's arrival and I'm busy nesting for our new little one, while spending precious time with our Lovebug. So until I post again (soon I hope) here's a peek into our last few weeks...

Indulging. Mocha Cookie Crumble... oh. my. sinful.
I was given this when I picked up Lovebug after Bible Study...
so stinkin' precious. It has been hung on the fridge with pride.
Letters to my Awana Sparkies... last night with my
sweet group of Kindergarten girls. I will miss them!
My delicious, GORGEOUS, Strawberry cake made by a dear friend
for the suprise baby shower thrown by sweet ladies at Bunco night!
A very memorable Mother's Day... just me, Bri and my girl. Brunch,
a handmade card, beautiful Lisa Leonard necklace, picnic in the park
and sharing frozen yogurt. A perfect day.
My girl and me at the park... feeling loved.
We had close friends come stay with us for a few days...
a trip to Crayola Cafe is a must! My girl is looking so big!
Pinned to the couch by a sleeping beauty... I can never
resist cuddles with her.
I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!
 life rearranged

Friday, May 3, 2013


Happy Friday y'all! Unfourtunately it's currently snowing in silly Missouri... so we're avoiding all windows and trying to keep ourselves busy indoors. I'm sure It'l be back to 80 next week. The good news is that this Mama is getting SLEEP! Thanks for the prayers! A 4th prescription combination and I'm able to sleep for 7 straight hours and it feels like a miracle! I'm so enjoying all the sweet moments with just my girl. We only have 7 weeks left! Here's a little peek into our life via IG, which I wrote about the importance of HERE.

This sweet girl is the sunshine in my days.
A very tired Mama getting some much needed
cuddles from my girl.

EVERYDAY. Major Pregnancy craving. Better than icecream right?
Poor thing woke up with a fever of 103... the start of cutting
4 more teeth, and needing lots of extra cuddles.
Sunshine and sidewalk chalk makes for a perfect afternoon.
Ending a hot day with strawberry icecream!
Long, sweaty baby naps, after playing outside.
1st pair of flip flops! Be still my heart. She wants
to wear them to bed!
Snowing on May 2nd? Fine. We cuddled up as a family
and watched a movie together. Love them.
Have a wonderful weekend!
 life rearranged

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mama the Memory Keeper

I have this desire, almost a conviction... to be the memory keeper for our family. I hear a lot recently on blogs that I read "tell your family's story." That's what I want to do... more in this space than I have before, and in more permanent ways for my children.

When Lovebug was born, I started writing down EVERYTHING. My nightstand was full of notes and papers, my computer with word docs of memories and events and pictures that I never wanted to forget! Glimpses of my sweet life as a Mama and the hard times we've made it through too.

{Shutterfly 12x12 First Year Scrapbook}

I decided that along with a "first year" digital scrapbook for each of our little ones, I would make a yearbook of our family's life... The everyday moments- good and bad- how we spend our days. I have fallen in love with Instagram for that reason- ONE place to keep all those pictures-with descriptions of what was happening at that moment. I had them printed in a book to share with our kids. We want to do this each year- to really see what life was like at that time.

{screenshot of Shutterfly 8x12 Family Yearbook...currently being shipped}

I also have these wonderful letters to our girl- things I want her to know that I was feeling, and stories of her days spent with me. I ordered a hardback moleskin journal- an idea I got from {Ashley Ann} and I wrote all the stories, events and details of our sweet baby's life so far. Now that I'm caught up- I want to be able to jot down the little things that happen- precious moments I want to remember forever and pass on to her. I'm buying one for Baby Sissy too-and each of our children after... such an easy way of remembering the details- the important stuff without a complicated baby book or having to keep several books updated.

{Moleskine hardback journal}

So what ways to you keep your family's memories? Pictures? Do you feel the conviction to write it all down and to tell your story some way?