Friday, August 3, 2012


Happy Friday! Not too many pictures were taken this week... I was just too busy soaking up the days with my sweet little toddler. 13mo and she acts like such a big girl... Sigh.

Afternoon cuddles with my girl... never gets old.

Drooling over her Birthday Party pictures. That post Here.

MORE painting. Hopefully the master bedroom will be finished soon... as in this year?
 LOVE our new house but will it ever be fully furnished/finished?

Hannah the Mama. Someone please stop time! She insists on wearing the Tutu... ALL the time.  

Have a great weekend y'all!
life rearranged


  1. Found you on life rearranged. Your daughter's picture with her tutu is so cute! :)


  2. Your daughter is adorable and I love the character in your home!

  3. Hi Candace thanks so much for visiting my blog :-) Loving your instagram pics! We are in process of painting a bedroom too and it feels like it has taken forever - can't wait until it is done!

  4. Cute, cute, cute! Nothing like a little girl in a tutu!
