I know I'm really late on the whole "Here are my goals and resolutions for 2012" post, but folks, I'm just plain WIPED. When I sat down and started thinking about all that I want to accomplish this year, and what I want to change, etc, I started to feel very , very overwhelmed. Am I expecting too much of myself? Do I have too many goals? I honestly wanted to run to bed and hide under the covers...which is where I suppose it all starts. Our little Lovebug has been going through an "I don't want to sleep at ALL" phase for the last month. I've talked to several people... I know that it will pass, that babies do this. We'll survive. Her phase just came at a very bad time for this Mama. I was just starting to feel like myself... I wanted to start sewing again, blogging more, trying new recipes, decorating, etc. Well, this tired Mama is barely making it through the daily stuff like dinner, cleaning, laundry, errands... before crawling to my bed bone-tired at the end of the day, only to be up with our girl most of the night.

WIDE awake... laughing (at Mama's exhaustion) 1am.
Every morning, while I drink my coffee and Lovebug plays, I read blog after blog of Stay at Home Mamas with 4+ kiddos, who craft, and sew, and make sweet memories, all while recording it on their beautiful blogs almost EVERY day. They also take time to do daily photos of their kids, pin a few things, tweet, and run an Etsy shop. HOW do they do it? Seriously HOW? Does is somehow get easier with more than one kiddo?
Passed out... sitting up... NO paci... exhausted.
I KNOW that "Comparison is the theif of JOY", but folks, this is what I want for OUR family, for MY life... to have the time and energy to do MORE than what's getting done.
This is what I want for 2012...
1. Be in constant communication with God... He's listening, so I'm gonna get talking and ABIDING!
2. Eat Healthier-LESS SUGAR. (Totally addicted + my body type = BAD)
3. Get walkin' girl! (The baby weight ain't gonna fall off on it's own)
4. Get out that sewing maching at least once a week... I've got the crafting/sewing bug BAAAD!
5. Catch up on Hannah's Digital Scrapbooks and keep current on them!
6. Blog more... it's been a drought since Lovebug was born!
7. Stop Pinning and MAKE something! It seriously stresses me out having a zillion pins and nothing made.
So LET'S CHAT! Anyone else feel overwhelmed by all you want to accomplish? Any advice from other Mamas? I wanna hear from y'all! For real.
I'm still IN LOVE with this beautiful girl, tired or not.