Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Big Girl {for Hannah Renee - Almost 3}

My sweet Hannah will be THREE years old in just a few short months, and it is bittersweet for sure.  Three seems so very big and grown up. She is becoming the sweetest little girl. So kind, and gentle and polite. She loves to get all dressed up and has recently been requesting a specific bow for her outfit each day. She tells Mama that I look "fancy!" when I get dressed for church (or actually get out of my mom clothes for a date). She loves to put on lip-gloss and carries around her Sofia the First amulet, singing "Let It Go" into a microphone made out of legos. Although she knows every word of the movie Frozen, she doesn't discriminate when Disney is concerned... we watch just as much Cars, Planes, Lion King, and Aladdin as we do princess movies.

She loves ballet, and asks her Daddy before leaving for class each week; "Look Daddy!" as she twirls for him, showing off her tutu and tights. He always tells her how pretty she looks and she beams. She has a deep love for her family and is constantly asking when Papa, Gramma and Auntie are coming over, or whether we're meeting her Pops and Lola for lunch that day. She prays for them all each night before bed. She asks Mama to sing the Cinderella song before going to sleep each night and to leave the door "just a lil' bit open." She sleeps with a huge array of stuffed friends, taking turns cuddling with them each night.

She has a fierce love for her Sissy, and often asks to go home to her, after an outing with just Mama. She prefers for us all to be together, all the time. She gives Liv hugs and kisses all day long, yet also tells her "no no!" if she's getting into something she shouldn't have. She praises her and claps for her each time Liv learns a new skill squealing; "Good Job Sissy! You're doing it!" Hannah would love to be outside all day long. We color with sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles, and take walks in our double stroller to observe all the birds and trees and flowers. She's scared of dogs, and most other animals, but likes to look at them from afar.

Her favorite foods are fruit, yogurt, "appy" (applesauce pouches,) potatoes, sausage, PB&J, pizza, and ice-cream. She also likes to share gummy-bears with her Daddy and munch on "chee-ros" (cheerios) throughout the day. When we ask where she would like to go eat, she usually replies Chick-fil-a (even though she doesn't eat chicken) or Freddy's (because who doesn't love french fries & ice-cream?)

Hannah loves to paint and color and put stickers everywhere! She can almost write her whole name unassisted, and loves to practice. She can count to 30, recognize and recite all her ABC's, and loves to play educational games on her Leapster, and Mama's iPhone. She's starting part-time preschool in the fall at a Christian Academy and she's so excited! She plays "going to school" all the time, and asks "where is my new school? Can I go there?"

She's been potty trained for about a month now, and we decided it was time to be done with her binky, which she kept in her bed for nap and bedtime. We woke up on Saturday morning, and after our special family breakfast (cinnamon rolls), we decided to have a special big-girl date, just her and Mama. She kissed her binky good-bye and put it in her memory box in the closet for safe keeping. We headed to the Plaza and ate a side-walk cafe that was definitely more for adults than children. She did so well, and sat there like a lady eating her lunch. Then we stopped in at Barnes and Noble to pick out a new book. Hannah LOVES to read and kept saying "there's just so many!" when looking around at all her choices. She decided on "Olivia." We went into Gap and tried on so many clothes... she kept saying "look at these! Oh, look at these!" She put on a straw hat and said "Yee Haw! I'm a cowgirl!" When it was time to go, she asked for "just ONE more store!" We stopped into Starbucks for coffee (milk for her) and a pink cake-pop, and just and my girl. It was the most PERFECT day, one that I will always remember.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Olivia Grace {weeks 41-44}

I can't believe we're at 41 weeks, but here we are. It seems that with baby number two, it sure goes a whole lot faster, that's for sure! I'm getting a little sad that Liv is quickly moving towards being a toddler, and I'm enjoying her squishy, cuddly little self so much these days. This week was a rough one, as Hannah, Liv and I all caught a nasty cold. Both girls were up every hour most nights for a week. Brian and I took turns sleeping with the girls and taking one downstairs to cuddle so they wouldn't keep waking each other up. Liv is still getting over the yucky cough she had, poor baby. Like Hannah (and Brian,) she'll cough and gag herself and then spit-up. 

We joyfully welcomed 42 weeks, since the weather was gorgeous and we spent a LOT of time outside! We celebrated Papa's birthday at our favorite BBQ restaurant. Liv LOVES french fries and is eating everything we eat now. She devours pasta, bread, veggies, yogurt, fruit... and anything that Hannah has! She gets so excited and flaps her little arms like a bird, or hits Mama in the face. She can STARE you down and it's the most hilarious face! Then she'll laugh. She calls for me and Hannah when when I take her to the potty, and cries or crawls after us. She hates to be all alone, so we take her with us everywhere. 

At 43 weeks, Liv just stood up in the middle of the room without holding onto anything... just like her big sister used to do. She's cruising the furniture and has to be standing as often as possible... why do my kiddos walk so soon?! Our girl LOVES Legos (Duplo) and plays with them for up to an hour at a time! She can even put a few together. She waves 'hi' and 'bye' by opening and closing her hand, and will shoot you a big smile while she does. Liv has SO much personality... she keeps us laughing and brightens our days. We sure love our Sissy. 

Oh goodness this girl is cute... I'm sure I'm a little biased, but seriously. Her two-toothed grin just slays me. She gives kisses now, and loves to give them to her baby dolls and pat them gently. She's always on the go, but when she crashes, she sleeps HARD. She started getting up at 12 & 5 again after her sickies, but I honestly don't mind the cuddles... she falls right back to sleep after nursing and sleeps so sweetly. She LOVES to be outside and even played with sidewalk chalk for the first time... she mostly drew on Daddy, but it was cute. 

I can't believe I'm getting ready to start putting together her big 1st birthday bash, but I'm just loving this girl more and more each day... can't wait to see what she'll be up to next!

Hannah's project HERE

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our newest family pictures...

A couple weeks ago, we had our pictures taken again by April over at Freeland Photography. We LOVE them y'all. They work so well with our little ones and their pictures speak for themselves. It can be quite an ordeal planning and doing outfit changes with a 10mo and 2year old, but April was so patient and got some great pictures of Liv before she decided she was DONE. They even have toys up at the studio and a play area for kiddos. We did a "baby package" with Miss Hannah... pictures at 6wks, 4mo, 9mo and had them shoot her Birthday party too. We are doing the same with Olivia, and couldn't be happier. We are loving the gorgeous images and I'm FINALLY planning a gallery wall to display them in our house. So glad I have these pictures, as this is becoming an adorable phase for these girls...

I hope you are all having a lovely week!