Friday, October 11, 2013

Olivia Grace {weeks 13-16}

Our sweet, sensitive Livi girl. She's definitely a Mama's girl through and through. She can make quite a noise when I'm not holding her! She also hates loud noises--her little lip quivers and she starts crying when something startles her, then she needs Mama cuddles to console her. On Sept 6th, our sweet girl had a little procedure done at Children's Mercy to fix her upper lip-tie. She did beautifully! It was much harder on Mama and Daddy since we couldn't hold her. They gave her topical and local anesthesia, and she nursed well and even smiled at Mama after! Then she cuddled up and slept in the Beco on Mama.
She LOVES to talk to herself in the mirror! I set her there to get ready in the morning and she cracks me up talking and cooing and touching her reflection! She "plays" with her toys now, holding them and trying to eat them. She holds her head up and looks all around when I'm holding her over my shoulder... acting like such a big girl. She rolls over in 2 seconds when put on her tummy. She even plays on her mat for a bit before starting to yell for someone to come hold her!
Sweet Liv has been talking so much lately. She is usually yelling at me, but it's adorable even so. She's our squishy little chunk-a-monk. She's outgrown her 3mo clothes and is flying through her Sissy's hand-me-downs. We had to buy her new Halloween jammies, since that size has already been put away. On Sept 25th, she rolled over from back to front and then did it three times in a row! Since then, she rolls across the room if we're not watching!

She has played in her crib a few times now, and Hannah LOVES to join her! They cuddle and Hannah gives her toys to play with. She's a good little sleeper, and she seems to still love sleeping next to Mama in her rock n play, all swaddled up tight. She'll eat at midnight and then once or twice before she's up for good around 8. She only takes her binkie when she's sleepy... otherwise she just chews on her thumb. We are so in love with our little peanut!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Zuku Quick Pops & {A Popsicle Recipe!}

Now that Summer is winding down {aparently I've been a little busy lately} I am now posting pictures of popsicle-making and recipes. Save 'em for next year folks, or maybe you live in a climate like the midwest, where it may be fall this week, but 85 again the next?

Miss Hannah's sweet Great-Aunt sent us this awesome Quick-Pop maker and we were so excited to try it out!

She bought us the 3 pop maker, single pop maker, and extra pop sticks... the perfect amount of sticks to make most of the recipes I found! We put the makers in the freezer for 24hrs and then were ready to start!

The great thing about popsicles is how many combinations/flavors you can make! Hannah LOVES fruit, so pretty much anything we put in these pop-makers she will love! We started out with THIS yummy recipe.

I love simple ingredients in my kiddo's food and this recipe is just that. 1/2 cup of yogurt - 3 bananas - cup of blueberries - juice of 1/2 a lemon. I added just a few teaspoons of sugar, which it didn't really need.

We poured them in the popsicle maker and started a timer for 9min...

So glad this is a "Quick" popsicle maker because toddlers have no patience.

There's an "easy removal" screw on top... but it took a little muscle to get them out!
I think it's safe to say that she loved them! The twelve we made were gone in no time.
The Zuku is available at Williams Sonoma, but this yummy recipe will work in any popsicle maker!