Friday, September 20, 2013


Happy Friday! I am SO. VERY. excited to have made it through this week. This Mama is feeling a little worn out and a lot in need of REST. The idea of having my best friend and partner by my side with our littles for 2 whole days, makes me feel so relieved. Any other Mama's feel that way? I keep hearing the quote; "The days are long, but the years are short." AMEN. Each night when I crawl {collapse} into bed, I think about all the sweet moments with my kiddos and I try to remember that I will remember THOSE... not the long, tiring days full of tears and frustration. So here's those moments... the ones I want to remember forever...

This one tells Mama "No, Thank You" when I ask her
if she wants to try the potty. How can I argue with that?

Looking so grown up. sniff.

Liv had a little procedure done to fix her lip-tie.
She did so beautifully and then slept on Mama after.

Sweet girl wore Daddy's T-shirt all day.

Liv and Mama enjoying the Sunshine in Branson while
Sis and Daddy played at Silver Dollar City!

Our great little traveler crashed in her carseat mid-sentence. 

A slow Monday morning after vacation... lots of coffee
for Mama, donuts, and purusing Parents magazine. 

Our little Puggle all ready for Awanas at Church!
She gets SO. EXCITED. each week!

My sweet sleeping baby... nothing better.

Have a great weekend y'all!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Trip to the Lake...

A few weeks ago, my family made our annual trip down to the lake, to stay with my Aunt and Uncle. It's a trip I've always looked forward to... one of the highlights of my summers since I was a kid. I love relaxing in the sweet little house in the woods, and waking up to look out at the smooth water on the lake. It's so quiet and peaceful. Many happy memories were spent on their back deck talking late into the night and then drinking coffee there in the morning. My Aunt and Uncle are wonderful and I love spending time with them.

I've always loved the water. As a kid, my Mama made sure we took swim lessons and my sister and I were little fish babies! I think it made my Aunt nervous the first time Nae and I jumped into the lake without life jackets and just started swimming around! I started water skiing on the lake before I was ten years old, and I remember using little training skiis with rope that tied them together. It took a few summers before I got up on real skiis, but after that, it was like riding a bike... it's an amazing feeling to be gliding across the water--the best view of the lake and all that surrounds it.

As the years passed, I brought Bri into our family's lake tradition. He fit right in... being the brave rider of various inflatables during one of Uncle Kirks epic rides! He loves the sun and water too and I love spending time with him out there... feeling like we're those crazy-in-love newly-together 18yr olds again.

Now that Hannah and Liv are heading to the lake with us each year, I'm reminded of how much I want these special memories for them. I want them to remember summers at the lake... like the ones I remember. Auntie Nae Nae sunbathing, Papa and Mama skiing, and tubing with their Daddy. So far, Liv still stays back at the House with Gramma, and Hannah was pretty scared of the water this year... but I know in time they will grow to love it.

This year there was more time spent playing with kiddos... coloring and reading at the house. More time spent cuddling sleepy babies, and tired Mamas. Late-night talks with Auntie, and watching Disney movies.Those are still sweet memories being made. We didn't step off the boat onto the Marina for all-you-can-eat catfish, because that would be too hard with the girls. We spent less time out on the water because Liv needed her Mama, and Hannah needed a nap.

Even though it's not quite as relaxing now with two littles in tow, and we've added all kinds of new responsibilities and challenges, we're still making memories. We're showing our kiddos that this is important to us... to be together as a family and make memories and keep traditions. I'm so glad that we didn't give up and decide it's too hard to travel with babies, and that we'll all be so tired from sleepless nights... life is too short to skip the good stuff.

I look forward to many more summers with my family. Just spending time together, doing what we love, enjoying the time we have. We are so very blessed. I'm so thankful for my Aunt and Uncle and all the sweet memories and the ones to come!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Olivia Grace {weeks 9-12}

Liv is developing such a sweet personality! She sits in her bumbo now and loves to "hold" her toys. Hannah likes to shake the rattles for her and tell her all the colors in her favorite catapillar rings. Liv can even get some of the rings into her mouth when she wants!

Still such a good little eater! She's eating every two hours during the day and can go up to 5 hours at night! We are loving the great sleeper she's become! Sometimes we think shes sleep better than Hannah. She rolled from front to back a few times this week... once in front of the Dr at her!

She's smiling and talking all the time now...especially when Mama's got her! She's going through an "only Mama can hold me please" phase. I can't say I really mind... I'm so in love with this sweet baby! I make Bri give her the yucky Zantac for her reflux... she hates it and cries, which breaks Mama's heart.

At 12 weeks, she's almost 12lbs! We are loving those yummy rolls. She's such a Mama's girl... making such sad and dramatic faces when anyone tries to hold her. The minute I take her back, she stops. I'm secretly loving this. We're so enjoying this time with our girl! She's growing and changing and I'm not sad about it... I'm just excited for all the fun to come!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Delicious {Smoothie} Recipe!

Need a new smoothie recipe? This one is seriously the best I've ever had! I got it from the Lovely Tiffany Ruda on IG a few weeks ago, and modified it for a single serving. It's now my go-to for lunch time! So good that little Miss Hannah asked for a taste yesterday and now I'm pretty sure I'll never enjoy a whole one again... "I like it alot Mommy!" It has cold coffee concentrate in it, which you can buy at Trader Joe's now or make your own, but I highly suggest buying some of Tiffany's YummyRudebegga's HERE. Also... you will need one of THESE adorable mason jar tumblers!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup cold coffee concentrate
1 heaping tbsp cocoa powder
1 heaping tbsp peanut butter
1/4 cup granola {any kind}
1 frozen banana
1/4 cup ice

Blend well and Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mug Swap 2013!

This was my first time joining all the fun over at Kim's annual mug swap! You can read all about it HERE. Such a wonderful idea and something that fits so well within my love-language of simple gifts. It's much more fun to give than receive in my book, and I LOVED carefully choosing a sweet little mug and gift to brighten my partner's day and hopefully be a blessing to them! The benefit of this swap is that I recieved a lovely gift as well!

My assignment was Miss Amy over at Grey Ceiling. She is such a beautiful writer and I love how she describes herself in her blog... someone I would just LOVE to be friends with in "real life" as well as online. She's genuine--something I most admire in a friend! Her faith in God is so evident and so very encouraging. I chose an adorable owl mug from my favorite place, Anthropologie. I also wanted to add THIS amazing print by one of my very favorite's, Lesley. Of course, I had to add a little bunting--since I'm obsessed and love to whip it up! I packaged it all up, put some washi tape on the box, and off went the happy mail to the blessed USPS!

After stalking my mailbox for days, I was so very excited to see my brightly colored package in the mailbox one afternoon. This Mama was having a rough day too, so a little happy mail was just what I needed! I opened up the box to find a pretty HAND-painted mug by Miss Elizabeth, and a sweet card too. Her lovely shop is HERE, and is full of adorable goodies!

Thank you Miss Kim for hosting such a fun swap! I'm linking up!

 Mug Swap!