Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Lovely Shower for Sissy...

I feel like I'll be playing a lot of catch-up here on the blog, since Sissy came early! Now that I'm pretty much nursing around the clock, usually with my iphone in hand... I might as well blog, right?
I've been dying to show y'all some pictures of the sweet shower my dear friend, Casey, threw a few weeks before our baby girl arrived! She also co-hosted a beautiful shower when Lovebug was born HERE.

The food table was absolutely gorgeous... as I had expected. Vintage linens, striped paper straws in mason jars, angel food cupcakes, lots of yummy treats! I loved the tiny chalkboards!
Casey has amazing style. I took a few pictures of her gorgeous house in the city during the shower, but I'll need a whole post just to show you all the DIY and vintage goodness!
I felt so loved and blessed by having my sweet friends and family spoil Sissy like they did for Lovebug. We felt very supported through this pregnancy... reminders of God's grace in our lives.
I so want my sweet girl to know the love and anticipation that we felt for her even before she was born. Sweet gifts and things that are just for HER, since she will be receiving a lot of things second-hand as the little sister.
There were clothespins handed out as we arrived, and when we said Baby, they were stolen away... guess who lost hers first? That would be me. My life seems to be deeply centered around my babies these days. That's the way I like it. 
There's Case, along with other sweet ladies. It was such a nice afternoon of chatting, and eating and opening gifts. I love these women, and the way they live life along side us.
My girl was being read to by Casey's Mama. She's been a long time friend and mentor in my life and I'm so thankful to be raising my girls around her now. 
Lovebug was such a good little helper! I wanted her to be a part of all the preparation for Sissy to get her excited and to keep her aware of the coming change. She did so well! She'd say "for Sissy" after each gift was opened.  
My sis, Mama, Me and my Girls. Thank you Casey for a wonderful shower!  

Friday, June 21, 2013

Insta-Friday! {iphone dump}

Happy Friday y'all! It's been a crazy couple weeks since we added sweet Sissy to our family! This Mama is nursing around the clock, and trying to squeeze in some cuddles with my toddler too. Here's a peek at our days...

Blessed|Naps in a new toddler bed
Showered with Love for Sissy|Yummy treats!
First haircut|First big girl overnight
Naps on the floor|All grown up

Olivia Grace|Sweet baby
Sisters|Daddy's girl
My view|Anniversary ice cream date
Cuddles|Father's Day brunch

Their 1st Love|Sissy's 1st trip to Starbucks

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Baby Sissy is Here! {& Her Birth Story}

We are so excited to announce that Miss Olivia Grace was born Tuesday the 4th at 5pm! 6lb 8 oz & 19 inches! We are so in love! She came out quickly and unexpectedly, but in God's perfect timing!

I started having contractions at 6:45am on Tuesday, along with a cranky toddler who just woke up and realizing she gave me her head cold, I was mostly just annoyed and tried to ignore them. I honestly thought it might be false labor, and that the contractions would stop altogether.  They stayed anywhere from 3-6 minutes apart for hours. I decided not to go to bible study, and to have my sister come get Lovebug for our lunch date with our Grandma. Meanwhile, I did two loads of laundry, wiped down counters, made sure our bags were packed (just in case) and made lunch. My sister brought home Lovebug, put her down for a nap, and said she'd stay with her for the day. 

Brian ran a few errands and told his boss he was going to my Dr appt with me, that was scheduled for 4pm. I figured we'd go get checked at my regular appt and then maybe go walk around Target if my contractions weren't consistently closer and I wasn't dialated much. We kissed our girl goodbye and told her Baby Sissy might be coming! On route to the appt, I called my Dr and she told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery to be checked and she'd meet me there. We stopped at Sonic so I could get a big cup of ice (a serious craving lately) to munch on.

When we arrived at the hospital, the contractions were stronger. I was sure I was only dilated to a 3 or 4, but was anxious to find out. The nurse came at 4pm and checked me... I was at a big 8! Things got a little crazy from there. Nurses were having me fill out paperwork with one hand, while getting blood drawn from another and answering questions for another nurse while she typed on the computer! 

I started crying. This was fast! Our baby was coming and I didn't feel prepared emotionally! It was 28 1/2 hrs of labor with Lovebug and I guess I assumed it would be long this time too. Bri was very calm and reassuring. He told me excitedly that we were about to meet our baby!

I had decided this time that I was open to an epidural. It had been a long, hard pregnancy and I felt that my body was already worn out. Unfourtunately, it was too little too late. The anesthesiologist arrived at 4:30 and ten minutes later, my Dr came in and wanted me to start pushing! There were people everywhere! Still doing paperwork, and hooking things up and a team from the Nicu was there, since there was miconium when my water broke. I was freaking out- in position, feeling EVERYTHING. In the next few minutes, there were a few pushes, a lot of screaming, and then... Our girl. 

She is absolutely perfect. Almost a carbon copy of her big sister when she was born. Another full head of dark hair, just like their Daddy. We cuddled for an hour, and soaked up her sweetness. Then our family was let in. I couldn't believe that just 2 1/2 hours before, I had kissed my girl goodbye, and now she was meeting her Baby Sissy! The first thing she said was, "Sissy... Livi." So precious.

We spent all of Wednesday and half of Thursday in the hospital. It was hard for me to sleep there, I had a pretty bad sinus headache, and I missed my Lovebug. Once Sissy stopped eating long enough, we packed up and left the hospital! We were so excited to be heading home and be a family of four!
We are resting (as much as possible with a toddler) and cuddling with our girls, and settling in now. So thankful, and so blessed.

The post I wrote last Monday {& Maternity Pics!}

Well folks, Baby Sissy is here! Things took an unexpected turn last week, and I was planning on posting this the day she was born, after picking up our maternity pictures {shot by our sweet friend,  Jenny's Lens!} We ended up at the hospital instead, and things have been a little busy since then! So here's the last update, just a little late.

{I'll post pictures of our sweet Olivia and her birth story next!}

We are 37 and a 1/2 weeks y'all! I  getting so excited to meet our sweet little addition. Our bags are packed, last minute projects finished, and I'm ready for her to come OUT!

It was a much more difficult pregnancy this time around. Thirty some weeks of puking and meds to keep food down, insomnia that ended with more medication. Three weeks ago my Pelvic bone separated, resulting in Physical therapy both now and after Baby Sissy comes. The Dr said I probably won't make it to 40wks, but you know that just means I probably will :)

Through all the physical discomfort, I must still say that it is so very, very worth it all. Just imagining her sweet face and all the newborn snuggling we'll soon be doing, makes me giddy. Bri and I feel immensely blessed, not only to be given this child, but by all the friends who have showered us with love in the last few months.