Saturday, January 5, 2013

Insta-Friday & a long overdue {Update}

Well Folks, Christmas came and went... I realize that this blog has been sorely neglected. I suppose I just haven't had either the physical or creative energy to write or share. It's such an amazing privelige to be carrying another sweet baby and to be entrusted to spend my days with my little girl. I must admit that it hasn't been easy lately. I'm sure it's a combination of hormones, and winter-blues, morning all-day sickness, and general fatique, but this Mama has been in a funk. I had a hard time finding joy these past few months and when I stop and see all the many blessings all around me... I know it's not a true lack of joy... it's a bit of depression. It slowly crept in while I was laying on the couch, trying to will the nausea away and wanting so desperately to find the energy to create and blog, cook, nest, and all those things that usually come naturally to me.  There are actually quite a few new projets to share with you...handmade christmas gifts, furniture built... I just couldn't find the energy to share. So this is my confession... I have not been myself. I'm praying hard that this too shall pass and that I'll soon find energy and excitement to be in this space more often. Until then... here's a snapshot of our days via Instagram...