Thursday, September 27, 2012


I just have to say how much I seriously LOVE Instagram. I know this may sound completely cheesy, but I really love how it helps me to capture the little moments of my life... the ordinary stuff, and the really good stuff too. I want my baby girl {and future kiddos} to know how I spent my days with them... playing and laughing and enjoying our sweet days together. I also want to remember what was important to our family... things I enjoy, and the importance of still dating my hubby!
So here's a little peek into our lives recently...

Because he loves me...

Yummy Mexican food on a date with my Man!
Lovebug could spend all day at the park!
Daddy took the day off to spend it with his girls!
I sew bunting ALL the time. Seriously thinking of opening an
Etsy shop. Thoughts?
Happy girl at the Art Fair with my love!
This is my FAVORITE Beth Moore study so far!
Seriously. Following along with Beautifully Rooted &
a lovely group of ladies at My Church.
My girl... only wanted to nap with Mama. I was
happy to oblidge.
Play-date at the park... adorable little friends.
Have a wonderful weekend!
life rearranged

Friday, September 21, 2012

Scenes from my craft room...

So I finally decided that since I'll hopefully be spending a lot more time in my craft room, I will need something on all these blank white walls! So I put up some pretty fabric scraps in embroidery hoops...

and strung up some pretty bunting...

all while my child did THIS to my craftroom floor...

Apparently pillow inserts are for pilling up and jumping on and mason jars are for filling with legos?

Happy Monday!

Monday, September 17, 2012

My new favorite lunch! {Green Smoothies!}

I know that there's been a lot of hype in the blogosphere about these green smoothies, and it took a long time for my sister to convince this Mama that pulverized spinach could be really delicious! I knew that it would be a great way to get extra nutrients into my diet and that it would probably help get those last 10lbs of baby weight off... but I actualy LIKE food and usually don't eat things that don't taste good. So when I tell you that these really are good... well, you should trust me.

Most days this summer, I drank a smoothie made with with plain greek yogurt, spinach, flax seed, a whole banana and mixed berries. It was very fruity and refreshing during those long hot months! Now that Fall is finally here, I needed to switch it up again. 

My new-found fav tastes totally un-healthy [even though it really is!] It's  Peanut Butter Banana and I eat it almost everyday. Seriously.

Here's what you need...

Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie

1/2 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup (heaping) frozen spinach (or fresh if you have it)
2 Tbsp peanut butter
1 whole banana (broken into four pieces)
1 cup of vanilla coconut milk
1/2 cup of ice

Blend it all together for a few minutes until everything is a uniform pale green color.

I love that it's really easy for me to throw everything in the blender while I get my toddler and hubby some lunch. It's also great to throw in a to-go cup and drink while driving to playdate or other errands!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Happy end of the week! I know I'm ready for relaxing with family, and a hot date with the Hubby Saturday! Here's what our last two weeks were like...

Daddy-daughter Bonding time... they make me so happy.
My parents bought her a sock monkey... I think she's in love.
First Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year... amazing.
An afternoon alone... even better.
We caught a cold... and spent the rest of the week cuddled
up together, making the best of it.
It's Mizzou football season y'all... and apparently that
means that "cheese product" is allowed in my house.
Some much needed fresh-air and a glimpse of  fall weather.
I played at this park as a kid and now I walk there with my daughter.
Running errands with this adorable kiddo always brightens my day!

She brushes her teeth now... no biggie.

Have a wonderful weekend!
life rearranged

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Keeping Busy, Always. & {and a House Update!}

So I'm not too good at just sitting around... not exactly a news flash, for those who know me well! I'm usually either reading blogs, taking photos of my sweet girl, blogging, crafting, cross-stitching, decorating, painting, party planning, digital scrapbooking, cleaning, doing laundry, or some other way I've found to keep myself busy.  Rarely will you find me just siting around. In fact, until recently I didn't even put my feet up during nap time, and the minute our Lovebug goes to bed, we get busy on some DIY house project, or paint another room. I forget sometimes that I just need to REST. To get refreshed by doing something I enjoy, and that doesn't neccesarily need to be something PRODUCTIVE... which I'm pretty sure is my favorite word. Just ask my Hubby.

All that to say... I haven't been very present on this little piece of the blogosphere because I wasn't feeling too inspired... mostly due to the fact that I was running around like a chicken with her head cut off... not to say that won't happen again THIS week, but I'm sure gonna try to rest some more.

So here's a little update on our new house... since you had to read through all of that first.

We've been working our way through our little home room by room. I'll do a full home tour when we're done. Sorry for the poor quality pictures... they were all taken with my iphone, since a DSLR is definitely on my Birthday list!! 

Here's our cozy living room so far...

We painted the walls and the backs of the built-ins and filled the shelves with loved items. We'll be getting a new couch soon and the well-worn red sectional will be headed to the downstairs family room.

The walls are obviously still pretty bare. I feel like all we do is paint lately... room by room we're getting it done, and then Mama will start to hang up some wall decor!

This is our little breakfast nook...


This room badly needs something on the wall... maybe next week. This picture is terribly dark... the paint is the same slate grey as the living room... Martha Stewart's Driftwood Grey.

and this is our kitchen...

The nursery is the closest room to finished, but I still need to add a gallery wall. HERE's the original nursery post from our apartment. 

My cousin and uncle were wonderful... they painted and put up the chair rail before we moved in, so that the transition to a new room would be easier for our sweet girl! I love this room... and I can't wait to put up all the things I've been collecting for the wall above the dresser.


I'll slowly put up pictures of the rest of the house as we finish all the painting and furnishing! Bri's finished up the Dining table... YES, my hubby is building a beautiful farmhouse-industrial table... that post with in the next month or so! The Master Bedroom is waiting for new lamps and some baseboard where we ripped out an ugly built-in, so that post will be soon too! October will be for getting the downstairs family room done and then hopefully we'll get this place cozy for the holidays!

Hope y'all are having a great week!