Friday, March 30, 2012


Happy Friday y'all! I don't know about you... but this Mama is so glad it's Friday! Although weekends seem to be crazy busy around here lately, it's still exciting. We'll be looking at houses tomorrow! Yay! After a disappointing out-bidding last weekend, we're ready to find OUR house! Little Lovebug has been either teething, or displaying a wide arrange of random symptoms this week. Spent an hour and a half at the doctor, only for them to tell me that they're not sure what's going on with her. Awesome. So here's a peek into our lives...


AMC Cinema Suites... yes please. Girls night at the Movies done in style!
Yummy dinner while served while watching the movie in a comfy recliner...
why would we do it any other way?

Baby's first Ponytail... Adorbs.

This is what she thinks of meat... I died laughing. Vegetarian baby?

Stitching... LOVE it. Anyone have an amazing pattern resource?

Poor teething baby needs lots of cuddles from Daddy... he doesn't mind.

My little Starbucks baby. She seriously loves going to coffee with me...
 perfect little sidekick.

Date night mid-week with the Hubby!
Downtown Kansas City + Hunger Games = Perfect.

Another rough day for Lovebug... teething tablets, tylenol, ibuprophen?
She just wants Mama... and I'm happy to hold her!

Have a great weekend y'all!
life rearranged

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sweet little Hoop Art...

I am so stinkin' excited that I found a quick and easy, and RELAXING way to get my craft on after little Lovebug goes to bed! I've been following Allison from Little Lovelies for a while now, and was so inspired by her "Pinned it, did it" posts. I had also pinned  an ADORABLE hoop art embroidery project a while ago HERE, and thought it seemed pretty simple. I so badly wanted a project that I could actually complete between chasing down my fast crawling baby, nursing her, and keeping up with the rest of the million things I try to get done in 24hrs. Well... done.

Here's what I used:

I used 100% wool felt that I bought on Etsy HERE
Leftover fabric from the NURSERY
Felt buttons that I had from Hobby Lobby
El Cheapo linen towels (for embroidering) from Hobby Lobby
2 colors of embroidery thread
oh... and a hot glue gun (forgot that for the picture)

I used a drop of hot glue to attach the felt to my fabric so it wouldn't move while I stitched it... LOVE that tip from Allison! Using the blanket stitch was super simple and very relaxing. I loved stitching while watching TV with the Hubby. I used the backstitch for the words... also very easy for a beginner! To make the yo-yo's I used THIS tutorial... so quick and super cute for all kinds of projects. The felt rosettes were made by rolling strips of wavy-cut felt scraps. I also used the hot-glue gun to attach those. Just two evenings later, I had a pretty cute little piece of art for my baby girl's NURSERY.

and here it is on the wall...

I love the feeling of acomplishing something. Especially when it's so sweet. Do y'all have any quick and easy crafting projects?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Picture Project Weeks 33-36 & an Update!

I'm a bit behind on Lovebug's update (She's 38wks old) ... but that's because  baby girl keeps Mama BUSY! If she's not climbing on things, or pulling everything down from the table, then she's in the kitchen or under the table, or trying to open a drawer! She's such a little baby toddler... always wanting to see what I'm doing or what I'm eating. I absolutely LOVE this age, even if she's keeping me on my toes! Her little personality is becoming so evident! She claps when Elmo comes on the TV, or when she's proud of herself for doing something new... it's adorable! She FINALLY moved up to size 2 diapers and can wear all of her 3-6 mo clothing! She's wearing the summer stuff people bought her last year, now that it's warm outside, and her Auntie & Grandma bought her bunches of adorable summer clothes in size 6-9mo! After quite a little hiccup during Daylight Savings, her sleep seems to be getting into a regular pattern again. She went from sleeping 9pm-8am  and nursing once, to crying at 9 when we put her to bed, waking to nurse twice and only sleeping until 6 or 7. Boo. We're hoping it's just a phase. She's still loving her baby oatmeal, and will eat any of the organic fruit and veggie pouches. She also loves her yogurt bites and puffs at snack time and her favorite snacks are Trader Joe's fruit crushers.  Unfourtunately, we tried to give her some of the stage 2 meats, and chunkier rice ... it's a no go. She made the most hilarious faces and even took it out of her mouth and wiped it on the bumbo. She likes fruit cut up into bite sized pieces, but chunky baby food is not her thing. She still babbles constantly... especially when she's got a snack. Her "words" right now are Mama, Dada, Buh Bye, and Nana (Hannah.) She brought me her brush last night and I put her hair up in her first ponytail! So precious... I melted. I can't believe that in a few months we'll be planning her 1st Birthday party! This Mama better get crafting!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Nutella Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies... need I say more?

First of all, there is no way I can take credit for these little beauties... that goes to Miss Julie Carson over at Joyshope. She is pretty darn amazing... a house full of beautiful kiddos, crafty cuteness, and a whole bunch of inspiration. Not to mention this delicious recipe...

The minute I saw that there was Peanut Butter AND Nutella in the same recipe, I pinned it, and then went out to get the ingredients to make up a batch. (and bring them to Sunday night bible group of course!) Because really, if the whole batch was laying around my house... yikes.

Here's what y'all need...

Nutella Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies       
                                                                                                                                              Julie Carson
1 stick butter (at room temperature)
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp  vanilla
1 1/4 cup flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Nutella for stuffing
White sugar for rolling

Start by beating together the butter and peanut butter in your mixer. Then add in the sugars and beat until fluffy. Now add the egg, vanilla & milk, and give it a good stir.

Mix together the dry ingredients in a seperate bowl, and then slowly add them to the mixer. Now stick that dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.

When the 30 minutes are up (if you've got any dough left from sneaking nibbles out of the fridge) Go ahead and preheat your oven to 350.

Scoop out heaping tablespoons of dough and roll them in a bowl of sugar. Then space them out on a parchment paper (or baking mat) lined cookie sheet. use your thumb to make a nice little pit and then fill it with Nutella... lots and lots of Nutella. Then stick another sugar-rolled ball of dough on top and press 'em down. Lick your fingers and repeat.

The amount of cookie dough consumed during this process may affect the number of cookies you end up with in the end... just saying. Also: 1 jar of Nutella + Spoon = Bliss. Not that I've ever done that. 

This recipe makes 18 large cookies... so feel free to double the recipe as needed. Grab some friends and a big glass of milk... and then another cookie.

Friday, March 16, 2012


It's Friday again... why does it ALWAYS sneak up on me? I feel like each week I say I'm going to do xy and z, and then another week flies by and only x got done, and then I forgot to blog about it... oh well. It has been BEAUTIFUL here in Missouri! Summer weather in March... I'll take it! Lovebug and I are keeping busy getting out in the sunshine, shopping, and getting the HOUSE HUNT underway! I'm feeling so very blessed, and am excited for all that Spring is bringing with it! Here's a little peek into our week...

Shopping with my best friend Case... stocking up on craft/sewing supplies and getting some much needed time together. Baby girl didn't mind that we brought her along too... check out those shades!

Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Homemade Cinnamon rolls... YUM.
I heart cheat days on the diet... and P.S. I've lost 5lbs in the last 3 weeks!

Pleated Poppy goodies that came in the mail... Happy Day!
Even better? Lindsey remailing them to me after they shipped to our old Cali address... LOVE the amazing customer service in buying handmade! Check out here beautiful shop HERE.

Purple Sparkly Pedicure with my Sister, after a full day of shopping with my Mom... perfect.

Teeny Tiny baby sandals... my heart just melted into a puddle on the floor.
Sweet Lovebug is finally wearing her summer clothes from last year... she's so. very. small.

Have a great weekend y'all!
life rearranged

Friday, March 9, 2012


Happy Friday! This busy Mama is a little behind on our little weekly update via Instagram, so here's a little peek at we've been up to in the last few weeks...

Heading out to Target on Sunny Day... We are ready for Spring, and this Mama is missing that San Diego weather! Make up your mind Missouri!

Baby girl LOVES snack time! She's happy whatever the circumstances as long as Happy Baby Puffs are involved or food in general. That a girl!

Apple Nachos for Dessert. Carmel + Marshmallow Fluff + Chocolate Chips = YUM. Oh yeah and apples were involved so it was healthy.... right?

Sweet, Sleeping Beauty... I seriously can NEVER get enough of this child. So blessed.

Date Night to run errands = TRUE LOVE. We seriously had so much fun just being together... love that about us.

THESE Nutella Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies... Amazing. Go make them. NOW. I'll post the recipe soon. You'll thank me.

Happy Bathtime smiles... unfourtunately these were at 7am... Lovebug thinks that 6am is the new 8... awesome.

Happy Friday y'all! Have a great weekend!
life rearranged

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mac n Cheese & Moderation...

I'm finally getting caught up on posts for all the new yummy dishes we've been eating lately! There will be many posts to come!

This Mama is also focusing on dropping that baby weight, which has proved more challenging than I thought it would be. Finding time to hit the gym when I want to crash at night, paired with the fact that dieting the way I know how doesn't work while nursing has made it a slow process. Why the cheese-filled dish then?

Overall, Bri and I firmly believe that everything in moderation is the way we want to live, so when I get a craving for Mac n' Cheese, I add a little broccoli and only have a small bowl. Life can't be all about being thin... That would be a terrible way to live.
So here's a yummy, simple dish... great for kiddos and big kiddos too. You'll need...

Broccollini Mac n Cheese                                                   Adapted from Rachael Ray
4 cups broccolini (roughly chopped)
1lb pasta (I used high fiber penne)
2 tbsp EVOO (I used butter flavored)
3 tbsp butter
2 shallots (finely chopped)
3 tbsp flour
2 1/2 cups whole milk
Trader Joe's everyday seasoning
1 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar
1 cup shredded Fontina
1 cup Parmigiano-Reggaino

Start by boiling your pasta and then drain and set it aside. If your cheese needs shredding, grab that grater! ( word to the wise... Those suckers are SHARP! So be careful)

You'll also need to steam that brocollini. And set it aside as well.

Get the EVOO and butter in a skillet and toss in the shallots. This smell is heavenly. When they're nice and soft and translucent, whisk in the flour. Let it cook a minute and then whisk in the milk. When it thickens a bit, season it with S&P and everyday seasoning. Then add the cheese one cup at a time. Add the pasta and brocollini to the cheese sauce and pour it into a casserole dish.

Top it off with a little more cheese and stick it under the broiler till it's bubbly!

Enjoy a little bowl of comfort y'all!