Friday, May 27, 2011

My First Thrift Store Find & a Makeover!

Well hello again ya'll! Sorry about the long time between posts lately! Bri is FINALLY here in Missouri with me! My little heart is so very happy! Monday we (Bri, and our amazing friends and family) unloaded the U-Haul up 3 flights of steps into our new apartment! Hopefully we'll be all settled in within the next few days.

I told you I'd been keepin' busy while I waited for my hubby. My dear friend Kelsey took me thrifting for a little sidetable to go next to the upholstered glider in the nursery. I was optomistic, since my girlfriends have found some pretty amazing finds here and transformed them into beautiful furniture. I was shocked, however, at the $7 pricetag on the adorable table that I found in the FIRST store we stopped at! Thanks Kels for the help finding this little beauty!

Next up was to add a little paint and then distress it to give it the look I wanted. I took my fabric up to Lowes and found the perfect color... Jade by Laura Ashley. Then the lovely Casey, master furniture transformer, and I grabbed a quart of low VOC paint, a brush and some sandpaper and got to work!

Here's the BEFORE:

I gave the table two coats of paint using a brush and a small high density foam roller. Then I used medium sandpaper to distress it and give it that well-loved look. Casey suggested using a polyurethane to coat the table tops so that I can easily wipe them off... since I'm pretty sure that bottles will be knocked over and stickiness always follows babies wherever they go. I added 2 coats using the same high density roller and let it dry.

Here's the AFTER: 

I'm so happy with this little makeover. I fell more and more in love with the little table each time I saw it. I hope it'll spend many happy years in our nursery!

Have a good week folks and I'll be back soon with more nursery projects!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bump Pics & Transitioning Home...

Well folks, I'm settling back into life here in Missouri... it's been an interesting transition so far! Don't get me wrong... I'm so very happy to be HOME! Home is just a little different than where I've been living for the last 2 years. The fact that I have to drive a pretty little distance to Starbucks, a trip to get any organic grocery store involves crossing the state line, and my parents called six cars at a four way stop on a country road, "traffic"... different. Staying with your parents after having run your own household for the last 2 years and the weather going from 90 degrees and 100% humidity last Saturday to 50 degrees this Saturday... different. It's just been a lot of change for this little Mama and at 33 weeks, change is very hard. I honestly believe that "home" is where ever I am with Bri. Cheesy, but true. When he gets here and we we're cuddled up on our couch... I'll feel "home" again.

I know life's new "normal" is going to continue to look differnt for a while especially in 7 weeks when our baby girl arrives! At least Lovebug will have a nursery! (I'm jumping up and down with excitement at the thought of this) I signed a lease on an apartment this week and my wonderful hubby will be here in 7 days with all of our stuff to move in and get settled! We'll be house hunting eventually, but we figure... baby steps is best right now. We just need to breathe for a bit.

I've just been trying to keep myself busy while Bri finishes up things in San Diego. Three weeks apart and and I miss him soo much... I'll be so relieved when he gets here! Then we'll be putting together all the pieces of the nursery! I can NOT wait to post pictures!

Until then... here's the Bump Update!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Bittersweet Farewell to SoCal...

This little Mama is currently sitting in Missouri writing this post. Surprised? I'm still a little shocked myself. It seems insane--all of what has happened during these last few months.... I know I've been vague with ya'll, but I just wasn't sure where to start!

Brian carrying me over the threashold in our first apartment in SD

Last December we were just planning our usual Christmas visit home... but when we got there, we heard about a possible opening for a virtual position within his company. When we found about about Baby Lovebug, we were perfectly content to be in SoCal, but the farther along I got... the more I wanted to be surrounded by family! So Bri quickly put in for the position when we got back to San Diego in January and then the waiting and praying began... I was getting more and more pregnant and time was flying by!

La Jolla Cove... one of my favorite spots in San Diego

Finally in March, we heard that they had filled that position, but that there was another, better position opening. I was disappointed, but trying very hard to remain optimistic. He applied for that position and within a few weeks had an interview. Then... MORE waiting!

At the beach with my Love!

After another few weeks, as I was hitting my 31st week of pregnancy... and feeling like a ticking time bomb, we got good news! He got the new position! I already had a one way ticket home, mostly on faith. Bri was very certain that this would work out, and that we'd be home before Lovebug's arrival. So we'd been packing up all the breakables, and saying our goodbyes to friends. Another one-way ticket back to San Diego could always be bought. So the DAY BEFORE my flight, we were out to dinner celebrating the new job, and saying goodbye to each other for a few weeks until he can drive cross country with all of our stuff!

Sunset over Torrey Pines Beach!

So there you have it ya'll. We've got 9 weeks left till Lovebug's arrival and I'm now searching for apartments here in Missouri! I'm spending lots of time with my family and friends, trying to process the fact that I'm not going back to Cali, and missing my Hubby dearly! It's a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but I thank God for the blessing to be here with family when our little one arrives and soon we'll be looking for a house and settling in as a Midwest family of three!

Our "family" in San Diego... such sweet friends that we'll miss dearly!

So if you could offer up a little prayer to get this pregnant lady's husband home soon, and for peace of mind and calmness while we get settled in during these last weeks of pregnancy!

Enjoying a romantic walk along the cove!

I'll keep you folks updated!